Wednesday 13 January 2016

Banyuwangi Vacation

Banyuwangi Vacation, East Java, Indonesia

  • Red Island

Again, the name of the beach that is associated with a color. If Green Bay has clear water greenish, name Red Island Beach due to a hill not far from the shore where the land is red. You can walk closer to the hills at low tide. The hill is covered in trees and shrubs green and only a slight red tinge visible at dusk.
Tourist attractions are located in District Pesanggaran has a Hindu temple Pura name Tawang Alun degan. This temple is often used as a ritual location at certain times by Hindus who live around Red Island Beach. Lodging is also already widely available around the beach for those who do not quite enjoy these sights in a day.
Various activities you can do here from surfing and hunting. For surfing, 3 km long beach has waves ideal for novice surfers.

  • Kalibendo Waterfall

Located about 20 km from the city center Banyuwangi, Niagara Kalibendo offers exceptional views of the beautiful and calming, crystal clear waters and rivers with cold water flowing around a waterfall. Being in the highlands, making this tourist place has the air cool and pleasant.
If departing from Kampung Anyar, Glagah, you will be treated no less beautiful scenery. You will be asked to pass through plantations of tea, coffee and cloves in the form of eye soothing green expanse. Rural atmosphere also you can feel on the way to the waterfall is 10 meters high.
  • Gulf Green

Gulf Green or Green Bay is not only interesting in its name only. The bay really have a clear greenish water and it is amazing. Tourist attractions in Banyuwangi included in Betiri Meru National Park has soft white sand and surrounded by tropical forests.
Many activities you can do here such as swimming, snorkeling, playing with sand and fishing. You can also visit Angel Falls, located in coastal areas. That said, a waterfall with a height of 8 meters is a bathing place of the angel at certain moments.

  • Lider Waterfall

Waterfall is no less amazing is located in Sumber Arum, District Songgon. Located at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level makes Niagara Lider quite difficult to access. Pretty heavy terrain requires good stamina.
But do not worry, extraordinarily beautiful scenery you can expect during the journey to this tourist spot. You will pass through the expanse of the estate, seven rivers in the forest and if you are lucky, it is quite possible to meet with the monkeys and birds during the trip. We recommend that you carry enough stock because there is no food vendors around the waterfall.
Fatigue will be paid off when you arrive at the location. 60 meter high waterfall with several waterfalls that other children will make your breath bated moment because amazed at its beauty.

  • Watu Dodol Beach

Watu Dodol could easily be found if you are on the way to the Port of Ketapang of Jember and surrounding areas. The beach location is marked by a large boulder in the middle of the street and the statue gandrung or dancers typical Banyuwangi.

Watu Dodol was in Banyuwangi shaft - Situbondo and only about 2 km from the Port of Ketapang. This enables you to see the ferry back and forth between the Port of Ketapang and Port Banyuwangi.

In addition, you can see the beauty of this tourist spot on the hill near the coast. For culinary affairs, you do not need to worry because there are plenty of food stalls here are ready to satisfy your tongue and belly.

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