Tuesday 19 January 2016

Lamongan Vacation

Lamongan Vacation, East Java, Indonesia

  • Wisata Bahari Lamongan

Wisata Bahari Lamongan, commonly abbreviated WBL, centered in the District Paciran. There are some excellent rides this nature, namely Underwater Palace, Palace Pirates, Cave Insectarium, Pavilion Wali Songo, Greenhouse, Texas City, Shoot Fish, Space Shuttle, and the Pope Dangdut. Complete rides for kids, science theme up for all ages and adults or families.

Wisata Bahari Lamongan already ten years old. On November 14, 2014 will come, this tourist destination will be repeated in the 10 alias decade. Marine Tourism Lamongan is currently managed by PT Bumi Lamongan True, a travel agency / tour-owned by the two parties, namely the Lamongan regency and PT Flowers Wangsa True.

Wisata Bahari Lamongan location is located in the northern coast line between Tuban-Surabaya, where it was known as Frog Cape Coast, so it's crowded since the beginning. In addition to beach, you who visited Lamongan nautical tourism is also easily and quickly will visit the main tourism destinations Lamongan, namely Maharani Cave, Cape Frog Resort, Eating and Sunan Sunan Drajat Spring Duwur.

  • Goa Maharani

Goa Maharani close to Marine Tourism Lamongan, located in the district Paciran Lamongan. Goa is also often referred Goa Maharani Maharani Palace. You must have the guts to go into it, because it 25 meters from the ground. But the place is spacious, there are about 2500 square meters, or a quarter of a hectare.

Goa Maharani invention can be said to be accidental, like many other cave discoveries in Indonesia. Maharani cave discovery was recorded on August 6, 1992. Since then the government pay attention and then fix it. Then formalized into a tourist site since March 10, 1994 by the Regent Lamongan Muhammad Faried.

Maharani cave just 500 meters from the sea coast of Java. Asiknya also located on the edge of the road Gresik Tuban. If you want to visit, record the time it open to the public, which is every day at 07:30 to 12:00 pm and at 1:00 p.m. to 17:00 pm.

  • Gondang Reseivoir

Gondang reservoir is one of the mainstays goal Lamongan and surrounding areas for a picnic or a walk. As the name suggests, is a reservoir where water buaanyaakk alias once. It is located about 19 km west of Lamongan. From the city of Lamongan, you can use public transport or private. It has been unveiled for a long time, since the New Order era, precisely by Mr. Suharto in 1987.

Gondang reservoir extent of 6.60 hectares (ha) with a water depth of about 29 meters. Enough to sink the eight-storey building. There are eight villages which edges intersect with this reservoir, namely Sidorejo, Deketagung, Gondang Lor, Daliwangun, Sekidang, Wudi, Sukobendu, and Wonorejo. The best scenery is in the afternoon when the sun slowly sets on the western horizon.

One of the advantages enjoyed Gondang Lamongan reservoir is the site close to the other tourist sites, the tomb of Goddess Sekardadu, one of the historical figures Lamongan. His tomb was discovered in 1911 and restored in 1917 by the local government. Dewi Sekardadu is Blambangan daughter, wife Kanjeng Maulana Isaac. He also called Mbok Rondo Gondang, elder citizens Gondang, and is the mother Jaka Ocean or Sunan Giri.

  • Monumen Van Der Wijck

You certainly know the name of the ship Van Der Wijck, popularized by literary scholars HAMKA, through novel masterpiecenya sinking van der Wijck. HAMKA write the story alias diilhamioleh true story based on a true story, because the ship van der Wijck really there and completely submerged. The ship sank on October 28, 1936 in the waters Brondong, the north coast of the island of Java.

Whereas Ships Van DER Wijck including luxury liner in his day, could be equated with its TITANIC Indonesia. Shipbuilding is done at the shipyard Feijenoord Rotterdam the Netherlands in 1921. Indeed owned ship Paketvaart Koninklijke Maatschappij, Amsterdam.

The sinking of the cruise ship remains a mystery. But direct aid pouring in, especially from residents and fishermen around the village, the region and Blimbing Brondong. Crew and passengers much can be saved. To commemorate their story, the Dutch government build a monument Ships Van der Wijck. Its location close to the Port Office Brondong, Lamongan, where the waters of the ship sinking.

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