Sunday 17 January 2016

Pasuruan Vacation

Pasuruan Vacation, East Java, Indonesia

  • Taman Safari Indonesia II

Taman Safari Indonesia II only nicknames only. The actual name Prigen Safari Park, located in the National Park of Mount Arjuna, Prigen. Safari park said to be the largest in Asia. Prigen garden center also ex-situ conservation of wildlife most successful in saving the bull Javanese and Sumatran elephants in the world.

Safari Park which occupies the area with the most beautiful scenery in one corner of the National Park of Mount Arjuna - Prigen East Java, was appointed by the government as the Stud Book Keeper (guard pedigree) for Sumatran elephants and Java Banteng highly protected outside their habitat.

  • Coban Baung Waterfall

Waterfall Coban Baung has a height of one hundred meters. This area is located in a forest area with cool air surrounded by a variety of trees that shade. There is also a field where campers for nature lovers who like activities.

Coban Baung waterfall is the confluence of two streams, the River and the River Welang Beji. These two rivers are constantly flowing water throughout the year, kagak never die. Many high cliffs around Coban Baung, which of course adds to the beauty of this place.

Besides the waterfall Coban Baung, on the eastern side of Mount Baung also four waterfalls with a height of 10-20 meters, situated along the river flow Beji. Its beauty is not inferior to the waterfall Coban Baung. which has now opened Ecological Rafting, has a duration of 2.5 - 3 hours which is quite interesting and challenging. Rafting has a unique characteristic, because in an unspoiled conservation area and forest scenery and its contents were still awake wild plant species typical of lowland forest.

Coban Baung waterfall is located in the village of Cowek, District Purwodadi, Pasuruan. Located about 65 km from Surabaya takes about 90 minutes or 30 km from Malang and takes about 45 minutes. To reach this waterfall can be reached easily, either by public transport or private vehicles. When the direction of travel of Surabaya - Malang, turn left onto a small road right at a small junction before guardrail Purwodadi. This small street is quite passable cars and would be ended diareal park waterfall tour (4 km away). Furthermore, to go to the location still has to walk another 200 meters down down the stairs which have been neatly arranged and is made from layers of stone and cement.

  • Jawi Temple

Jawi temple is a temple built Kertanegara times, the last King Singasari, around the 13th century. It is in the village of Candi Wates, Tretes, Pandaan, Prigen, just 40 minutes from Surabaya. Jawi temple architectural blend of Hindu and Buddhist. The peak in the form of a stupa. Jawi temple built of andesite. High temple buildings 24.50 meters, 14.20 meters long and 9.50 meters wide.

Jawi temple is a place pedharmaan or storage of ash from the King Kertanegara. Jawi entire temple complex spread over an area of ​​40 x 60 square meters and surrounded by two-meter-high brick fence. The temple building is protected trenches many decorated by lotus flowers. Shiva temple form and berpundak legged Buddha with a height of about 24.5 meters with a length of 14.2 m and width of 9.5 m.

Jawi temple itself was restored for the second time in 1938-1941 during the reign of the Dutch East Indies since collapsed. Repairs carried out back in 1975-1980 and inaugurated in 1982. Unfortunately, statues relics in Jawi temple has now been lost to have been moved to the Museum and partly to commercial places.

To preserve it, at every full moon night, in the temple complex ox held Performing Arts Full Moon which demonstrates the art of dance story of the origin of the legend of Jawi temple.
In the dance, Bali is told about a very beautiful princess. But because of her beauty she was forced to run away and settled in Java. The reason, many kings were willing to mempersuntingnya as consort.

  • Gunung Gangsir Temple

Temple Mount digger often called Keboncandi temple because the temple is located in Kebon Hamlet, Village Mount digger, Beji, Pasuruan. The word 'digger' means digging a hole under the ground. It is said that there used to be people trying to 'undermine' the mountain to steal valuable objects in the building of this temple.
Temple Mount digger was built of bricks. Altogether there are four floors, with two ground floor into the body and roof of the temple. Basic floor plan is rectangular with a bulge on the east side, the opposite direction to keletakan stairs. Plan your body and roof of the temple is also rectangular, but in this part of the fourth side of the wall of the temple has a slender protrusion field.
Now the condition of the temple in the form of ruins, and nearly all corners on floors in disrepair, as well as in horizontal sections, where the bertemuya floors, while the top of the temple has been lost. As a result of this damage, the temple Mount digger looks like a truncated pyramid shape roof.
It is said that the temple Mount digger was built during the reign of King Airlangga, which is about the 11th century AD

  • Nature Baths Banyu Biru

Nature Baths Banyu Biru is where you unwind while swimming. The scenery is unspoiled. Lots of trees and shade plants. There is also a fish in the pond sengkaring, sacred. Ga there are people who touch it. Sengkaring fish length can reach one meter.

Nature Baths Banyu Biru has been known since the Dutch era. Buktingnya ancient photo 1900s and Tropen Museum collection KILTV Netherlands. European tourists are also still liked here. First place is supposedly named Lake Willis, and many monkey. Now extinct monkey, monkey change the litter, hehehe ..

Oh yes, there are also statues in the area of ​​Nature Baths Banyu Biru. Kumpeni supposedly collected the 1929's. Some names Batara Kala. So tentative conclusion, these baths are petilasan Majapahit King Hayam Wuruk to bathe eliminate fatigue and dizziness.

Nature Baths fitting location banyu Sumberrejo Blue is in the village district. Winongan Kab. Pasuruan. You can reach it within a 15 km from the town of Pasuruan. Close enough.

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