Wednesday 13 January 2016

Bondowoso Vacation

Bondowoso Vacation, East Java, Indonesia
  • Ijen Crater

Ijen crater is located on top of Mount Ijen, the which is one of a series of volcanoes in East Java such as Bromo, Semeru and Merapi. Mount Ijen located east of Mount Merapi (in East Java, there IS ALSO a mountain that has the same name with a mountain in Central Java, Mount Merapi). Tourism Regions or Ijen crater Tourism Park Reserve is located in the District of slippery, Banyuwangi and District Klobang, regency.
Ijen crater is located at an altitude of 2,368 meters above sea level. What is interesting is this crater is located in the center of the Reviews largest caldera in Java. The size of the caldera about 20 kilometers. The size of the crater itself is around 960 meters x 600 meters with a depth of 200 meters. This crater is located at a depth of more than 300 meters below the caldera wall.
  • Mount Raung

Mount roar included in a row of Ijen Mountains, precisely in the village of Sumber District Wringin Wringin source. Mount roar has attractive scenery and expanse of flora and various types of animals. This tour is very interesting and challenging, especially tourists who packed, mountaineering. The mountain is located at an altitude of 3,332 m above sea-type stratovolcano with point coordinates between 8 ° 07? 30? S 114 ° 02? 30? E / 8125 ° S 114.04167 ° E. Forests contained in the roar include forest area Dipterokarp Hill, Upper Dipterokarp forest, Montane forests, and forest Ericaceous or mountain forest. The mountain is also the second largest crater of the mountain in Indonesia after gungung Tambora which has a diameter of about ± 2 km. The Tourists can start the climb from the POS I (pesanggrahan Source Wringin) equipped with a number of tour guides who are ready to serve tourists.
  • Tancak Kembar Waterfall

Waterfall rides Tancak Twins Andongsari located in the village of Pakem Andongsari about 25 km west from the city Bondowoso. High cliff waterfall is 77 m which cool air contained in protected forest areas with an altitude of 900 m above sea level. Utilization of the waterfall until today not only for recreation, but also for irrigation, even according to local people, people who bathe here can add ageless. The location of this object is supported by beautiful natural scenery and charming to be enjoyed by visitors, and supported the research center arabica coffee and cacao area of 180 ha.
  • Bosamba Rafting

One of the objects included in special interest tourism in the regency is Rafting. A tourist attraction that is being developed by the Government of the regency presents sports travel with the natural beauty that is passed along the way make this area not only wants to be enjoyed by the community Bondowoso, but also lovers of sports rafting from other areas also do not miss to enjoy it. Access to this place is very convenient because it can be passed by public transport.
  • Wonderful Rafting

          Fun Rafting Rp.175.000 Min 5 Pax
          Paket Pelajar Rp. 125.000 Min 5 Pax

  • Screaming Flying Fox

          Meluncur dari ketinggian Rp.30.000/Pax
  • Creative Outbound
          Kids Outbound Program 4-5 Jam Rp.50.000/Pax Min 50 Pax
          Leadership Basic Training For Student Rp.150.000/Pax Min 30 Pax
  • Skrimish Paint Ball
          Combat Game Rp.150.000/Pax Min 20 Pax
  • Cycling Adventure

          Fun Adventure Rp.75.000/Pax Min 10 Pax

  • Polo Agung Waterfall

Polo waterfall is located in rural districts Sukorejo Wringin source, ± 40 km east City Bondowoso. This waterfall is located in a plantation owned by the community, this is a tour that is newly created and built in 2003 and is managed by the Department of Tourism, Arts and Culture. Height of this waterfall, ± 30m which has a natural beauty and picturesque scenery. There is also a green valley is not too extensive.
The waterfall is complemented by three pieces of shelter that is placed around the location. The Tourists can mengunjuni this place by using public transportation, but to reach the location of the waterfall must walk.

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